King’s College Taunton
King’s College Taunton


King’s College Taunton Location

Taunton, Somerset

King’s College TauntonKing’s College Taunton






Northern England

Key Information
Location Taunton, Somerset
Address South Road, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3LA
Closest Airport London – Heathrow
Number of Pupils 460
Head Teacher Mr Richard Biggs, MA, BSc
Tuition Fees Boarding and Tuition Fees – £9,800 per term

Who will King’s College Taunton suit?

Youngsters who know they want to make a difference and who are willing to participate in philosophical debates, entrepreneurial activities and immerse themselves in the numerous extra-curricular activities on offer. Science and maths are strong, but so too are the humanities, and attending chapel – where all faiths are acknowledged – gives a spiritual ambience to the academic and social ambitions of the pupils.


Most move on to top UK universities with strong applications to Oxford and Cambridge on an annual basis. Strong emphasis given to achieving your best, no matter what your academic baseline. Excellent engineering, art, drama and design technology prepares youngsters for vocational programmes if required.

Settling-In at King’s College Taunton

Youngsters report strong bonding and support of each other; ‘buddy’ systems emerge and highly attentive boarding staff move pupils around in order to ensure they are settled quickly and happily. Facilities are excellent. School also prepared to consider taking international pupils for “taster” programmes, from a few weeks in duration up to one year. Help given to improve English, but immersion with local children the most effective.

Scholarship Opportunities at King’s College Taunton

For suitable candidates, King’s College will offer the following scholarships for 2014/15. 
1 x 100% scholarship of the boarding fee which will include tuition and board.*
3 x 25% scholarship of the boarding fee.*

*Families will be required to pay for chargeable extras.

Boarding School Service

Guarantee your child a place at a UK Boarding School with our Boarding School Application Service. Arrange your free consultation and get started today.

ASIS View of King’s College Taunton

A top-class school achieving high academic results, strong sporting success – especially cricket and rugby amongst nine different sports – and wide cultural awareness through its Christian foundation, which is at the core of the school’s traditional values. Facilities are excellent and the spirit across the extensive campus is of personal growth and freedom within a gently-structured environment. The school has a mix of boarders and day pupils, but makes special effort to integrate both into one community by offering day-pupils ‘space’ in each of the school houses.

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