Cambridge Regional College

Location Cambridge, England
Established 1958
Famous For Vocational Subjects
International Fees £12,400-12,500
Key Information
Location Cambridge, England
Established 1958
Famous For Vocational Subjects
International Fees £12,400-12,500


Cambridge Regional College offers a variety of short and long courses in English for students, professionals and teachers. Courses are available from Beginner to Advanced level and are open all year round and students can join any time. The College also offers specialised language programmes in Academic English, Science, Technology, Business and Law. Exam preparation courses such as IELTS, KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE are also provided. Students who wish to improve their English and knowledge in other subjects can join our English Plus courses (eg English and Art, English and Management, English and Law, etc). The College has a rich summer programme with different courses for teachers, professionals, students and juniors.

All English classes develop independent learning skills, analytical and critical thinking, academic communication, confidence in using English and strategies for entry to Higher Education or employment. CELTA programmes (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) are offered all year round to individuals who wish to become qualified teachers of English as a foreign language. The courses could be studied either on a full or part time basis.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to improve your language skills, we have the right course for you.

Academic courses

These focus on subjects you'll know from school such as English, Maths and Science, as well as new subjects such as Human Physiology and Health, Psychology and Photography.


BTEC Diplomas and Vocational Diplomas e.g. NCFE, IMI, CACHE, VCTC

providing broad based vocational education in a subject area.

NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications)

These focus on more specific skills based training leading to employment in particular industries.

New Vocational Diplomas

The government have introduced these diplomas from 2008. They combine theoretical study with practical activities and cromprise:

  • learning about the vocational sector chosen 
  • functional skills in English, Maths, ICT, personal learning & thinking skills, and work experience 
  • additional specialist learning

Services for International Students

Computer drop-in Facilities

CRC has a wide selection of computing resources at both its Science Park and City Centre campuses, which run the latest software packages.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

The College's Multi-Faith Chaplaincy meets at regular intervals throughout term time to discuss how the College can enhance student's experiences of College life through identifying, promoting and celebrating important events across a wide variety of faith traditions.

Learning Resource Centres

CRC's Learning Resource Centres (LRC) hold an extensive range of materials and information for your course as well as a variety of study facilities and spaces.


Our refectory services at the Science Park and City Centre campuses provide a full self-service cafeteria at lunchtime offering healthy optional meals, as well as drinks and snacks during the day.


CRC has a reprographic service at the Science Park campus offering excellent prices on black & white and colour copying, binding and a wide range of other services for students.

SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient - their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities; through my consultants' advice, and application assistance I was able to get offers from top ranked universities.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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