Royal Veterinary College
Royal Veterinary College


Royal Veterinary College Location


Royal Veterinary College





Key Information
Location London, England
Established 1791
Famous For Bioscience, Veterinary Medicine
Key Information
Location London, England
Established 1791
Famous For Bioscience, Veterinary Medicine


The Royal Veterinary College (RVC), University of London is one of the world’s leading veterinary and biological science institutions, renowned for pioneering approaches to teaching, research and cutting edge clinical provision.

Founded in 1791, the RVC was the first veterinary institution in the English speaking world and the driving force behind the establishment of the profession in the UK.

The RVC offers a range of renowned undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees. Including Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed) courses with global accreditations from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in the UK, the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) in the EU, and the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in the USA and Canada. Furthermore, RCVS accreditation ensures RVC BVetMed graduates are licensed to work in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, as well as South Africa. Veterinary Nursing courses, which are accredited in the UK by the RCVS and in the EU by the Accreditation Committee for Veterinary Nursing Education (ACOVENE), and Biological Sciences programmes accredited by the Royal Society of Biology.


The Royal Veterinary College is currently ranked as the #1 Veterinary School in the World (QS 2024).


Students can apply to a number of accommodation offerings in either London or Hertfordshire, depending upon their year of study/course.


Now based over two campuses, the Royal Veterinary College Camden Campus (London) offers the buzz of being based in the heart of the nation’s capital; while in contrast, its Hawkshead Campus (Hertfordshire) offers a more rural experience on a 575 acre site in the English countryside. Both campuses offer their 2,500 students a friendly, supportive environment with state-of-the-art facilities.

The London Campus (Camden), home to the RVC since 1791, is home to all of the BSc and MSci Biological Sciences Pathways (except the final year of the Animal Biology, Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics programme), the Veterinary Gateway programme, Years 1 and 2 of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed) programme and Year 1 of the Graduate Accelerated BVetMed.

The Hertfordshire Campus (Hawkshead), which stretches over 575 acres, is home to all Veterinary Nursing Pathways, the final year of the Animal Biology, Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics programme and the final three years of all Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed & BVSc) Pathways.

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