UK MBA Entry Requirements

What are the entry requirements to study an MBA in the UK?

Deciding to study an MBA is a huge commitment, and it is important you are fully aware of the entry requirements before beginning the application process. All business schools vary, but as a general rule applicants will need the following:

  • A minimum 3-years of full-time work experience
  • A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • GMAT (see below)
  • IELTS score of at least 6.0-6.5


A number of business schools require students to take the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT. The GMAT tests ability in:

  • Analytical Writing: Argument analysis
  • Integrated Reasoning: Graphics and table analysis
  • Quantitative Aptitude: ability to read a passage and problem solve
  • Verbal: Critical reasoning and sentence correction

The GMAT is unique because if you answer questions correctly, you are given harder ones worthy of more points. Incorrect answers will be met with easier questions, which reward fewer points.

- GMAT Exam Preparation

Students should spend at least six months preparing for the GMAT. If your use of English is better than your mathematics, then focus on solving quantitative problems. If it is the opposite, then begin reading preparation.

It is important to read newspapers (The Times, Daily Telegraph and Guardian) and rewrite the articles in your own words. There are many websites offering GMAT mock-tests, while some websites also analyse your test performance and give you reports with advice.

- GMAT Exam Scoring

Test Module Scoring
Verbal Scaled 0 to 60 (75 minutes)
Quantitative 0 to 60 (75 minutes)
Analytical Writing 0 to 6 (30 minutes)
Integrated Reasoning 1 to 8 (30 minutes)
Total Scaled Score 200 to 800

In the quantitative and verbal sections, students score between 0 and 60. Scores of over 50 in either are very rare.

Temporary scores are generated at the end of the test and the final scores go online after 20 days once the essay is manually read and graded. Your GMAT score is valid for five years, with a score of 600 considered good and over 660 excellent.

Study an MBA in the UK

Are you interested in studying an MBA at a UK business school? Arrange a free consultation today to learn more about how we can help you successfully apply.

Studying in the UK

SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient - their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities; through my consultants' advice, and application assistance I was able to get offers from top ranked universities.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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