Oswestry School
Oswestry School


Oswestry School Location

Oswestry, Shropshire

Oswestry SchoolOswestry School






Northern England

Key Information
Location Oswestry, Shropshire
Address Oswestry School, Upper Brook Street
Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2TL
Closest Airport Manchester
Number of Pupils 340
Head Teacher Mr Julian Noad
Tuition Fees Full Boarding Third Form – Upper Sixth
GBP 8,595. Full Boarding IGCSE programme GBP 9,240. The fee includes tuition,
accommodation, food and laundry

Who will Oswestry School suit?

Small class sizes allow pupils of mixed-academic ability to find their own strengths. It is expected that each student will join at least two club or ‘society’ activities per week and make good use of the daily 90 minutes set aside at lunchtime for this purpose. The school is proud of its ability to adapt flexibly to meet pupil’s needs in their study of traditional GCSE and A-level programmes, while there is clearly strength in art, textiles and excellent computer-aided design facilities.


Most move on to top UK universities with a strong contingent annually being placed at London’s leading art and design colleges. The School has strong links with both leading universities and those that focus on specialist disciplines.

Settling-In at Oswestry School

A one-year International GCSE is available for those who are academically capable, but much time and considerable care is given to allowing all international pupils to find their feet, both academically and socially. The school enjoys the benefits of distance from major city conurbations, but is close enough to both countryside and local town to make pupils feel connected to an English country-life community.  It follows no ‘mould’, and very much allows pupils to be themselves.

Scholarship Opportunities at Oswestry School

Oswestry School offers one full scholarship at 50% and two at 25% to pupils on entry at 11+, 13+ and 16+. This is based on Academic, Musical and Sporting excellence as well as all round talent in a number of these classifications.

Boarding School Service

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ASIS View of Oswestry School

Sited close to some of Britain’s most historical battles, this 600-year-old school has a strong international pupil-body who clearly enjoy the homely, rather quirky English country outlook to their education, which delivers a warm community-feeling through close personal care by teachers. More than 90% of the 145 boarders in this 420 pupil school are from overseas, and modern teaching and boarding facilities make them feel welcome and at home.

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